Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Behaviorist Theory

Behaviorist Theory
This particular theory simply states that a child's behavior and development is shaped by their environment, or experience. Children are born with certain traits and learning abilities but parents and teachers play a major role in the way a child will learn. I personally align myself with the Behaviorist theory because I agree with every single idea. I believe humans constantly learn from others in their surrounding area. No one comes on Earth knowing every single thing. As young children their environment, like where they reside and their role models, such as parents and teachers will always shape their way of learning and communicating throughout life.
There are three main theorists that focus on the Behaviorist Theory. They are:

I. John B. Watson : he believed everything we learn is just observable behavior ; he also introduced classical conditioning
II.  B. F. Skinner : operant conditioning : states a child will do something more when they know they will be positively rewarded.
III. Albert Bandura : social learning theory : states humans learn new behaviors by repeating what they see around them ; when they observe these behaviors being positively rewarded they will also repeat the behaviors more often.

More info at : www.innovativelearning.com/teaching/behaviorism.html

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Maintaining Professionalism in Your Career

The look of a model teacher in the old- fashioned aspect has changed dramatically. The new look, especially for younger teachers, are showing more and more every day. In my school experience, I have had teachers with tattoos and many that dressed provocatively. One teacher in particular had an actual sleeve on her whole arm. I think the new breed of teachers is basically because the styles and fashion has changed as well. Some people are just thinking for the moment. The future including their professionalism is not in the front of the mind. As a young adult, I understand all of this. Not visible, tattoos that are invisible are perfectly okay in the classroom. I feel if tattoos are in places that are kept hidden is all that matters.  As long as their priorities are in order, their children needs come first, and they always do what is appropriate for a respectful loving teacher at the end of the school day everything should be fine.
Here is a website that has successful tips for professional dress for men and women...
First impressions are important, as well as your professional image...http://bit.ly/T2ZsZ5

Monday, October 8, 2012

TExES Exam..

Today was the first representative TEXES exam for the month of October. This has been my first one since this semester. I prepared myself by studying and using certify teacher before today. Since there are so many deadlines in a couple of weeks, I have been really frustrated and anxious to pass this test. Not only do I want to pass it so I will be able to student teach, but I feel if I pass it will also make me more qualified. If I can understand and apply everything I learn and study to the test questions, then it will make me an overall smarter person. I had four hours to complete the test and I used three of those hours. The test was pretty much like certify teacher so I was familiar with the different sections. Just like certify teacher, my most struggling areas are Math and Science. These are the main two areas I am always studying because my understanding of the content is not too strong. Today, I just went in to take the test with a positive attitude which is always important. It is not helpful to go in with too many things on your mind. I also took my time and analyzed each question for what they were. Another good strategy I always use is the process of elimination and it helps me with the questions that are very difficult to answer. The overall test takes preparation, practice, and plenty of studying. Taken in consideration all the helpful tips and resources I have been given, I know I will be certified in Generalist EC-6 sooner than later.

If you're an educator or future educator that is in the process of successfully passing your TExES exam, this is an excellent practice resource ... http://certifyteacher.com/


Monday, October 1, 2012

What Will Next Semester Bring???

This semester is very bittersweet for me. This is my last semester actually walking on campus from class to class. This is my last semester getting to know four or five teachers at once. Next semester if the lord says the same, I will be student teaching. I feel so anxious, yet so overwhelmed. There is so many feelings of happiness, confusion, and even a little fear. My main focus right now is to be accepted to student teach in the spring. That’s the start. The whole process is what is overwhelming to me. I am sad to say I am a huge procrastinator and all of the requirements that our college of Education is requesting is due in less than two weeks. Luckily, I work well under pressure and I believe in myself that I will reach that goal. I know when all that is completed, it will relieve some stress I have. I am ready to enjoy my holidays with my family and friends and come back in the beginning of 2013 with one focus in mind. This is where the happiness and fear comes in place. Honestly, I am so proud of myself for being I arms reach of what I have worked for and dedicated all my time to for these past four years. When you enter college, everything seems so far away but the time well spent is what prepares you for the end of your journey. I am also a little afraid of what is in store for me and this upcoming semester. You hear other people experiences and you do observations yourself, but there is nothing like experiencing your own student teaching situation. My goal is to stay positive, focused, and be willing to learn as much as possible plus more from the opportunity that is presented to me. Now that I am writing, I feel somewhat better. I know what needs to be done and I claim successfully getting through student teaching.

http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/student-teaching.html: This link gives a couple of tips from teachers who were once in the same shoes as a student teacher.